how many gigabytes in a terabyte?
Kiranjit Chatha,
Just out of interest ... Are you the same Kiranjit Chatha that we've heard about around these parts? The one wot likes shopin, Eastenders, The Hills, Simpsons and girly magazines?
If you are, then remember this "Don't inderestimate urself"
don't know about his teacher, but I give him an "F" (but an "A" for being silly, stupid, rude, unkind, trollish, and generally an ass). just ignore him, he'll go away.
u been readin ma profile mate?
who r u?
stop sayin him
"u been readin ma profile mate?"
Now let me think ... No - Just a wild guess.
Either be polite or go away!
who r u actually??
"who r u actually??"
I assume you think that I do not go by my real name?
Some call be the bratwurst - I choose to consider that a term of endearment ;)
Maybe I am one of the masked avengers. A member of a dedicated group of vigilantes who protects forum users from unscrupulous people that want to post silly messages.
So ... You have been warned - Stay away, or be polite!
Silly Sausage
protects forum users from unscrupulous people that want to post silly messages :)