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C51 Toolchain under Visual Studio IDE

I spent time integrating the C51 toolchain into a Makefile project that utilizes all the features of the VS2005 IDE, so I just wanted to share my info. This can be used as a starting point for any of the toolchains. It allows full support of the VS IDE, including double clicking on errors in the output window to jump to the appropriate file and line.

First, you need to create an empty VS2005 project using the NMAKE project type settings. Under the Project Properties->NMake options, set the "Build Command Line" option to

nmake -nologo -f makefile.mak all

Then create a file called makefile.mak and paste the following - read and edit the comments and make changes where appropriate for your project requirements:

# makefile.mak: The makefile for using KEIL C51 Toolchain in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 using NMAKE
# project type
# By Jonathan Kaufmann
# May 29, 2007

# Adjust this to point to your KEIL Bin installation as well as all other binaries used by this Makefile
# for converting to IIC (EEPROM) file

#VS51.EXE is my wrapper that takes all output from the C51.exe, A51.exe and BL51.exe tools and formats
#it appropriately for VS2005 (probably 2003 too) so it will recognize errors and warnings and so you can
#dbl-click and jump to file/line of error locations.
#It detects what type of tool you want based on the first argument.  If first arg is a .c file, then C51.exe -
#if .a51, then A51.exe - and if .obj, then BL51.exe - source is included and may be changed for different
#tools or conditions

# Customize your flags appropriately

# Give an output dir, and source directory, this is relative to where this MAKE file resides

# Set your target output name, (no extensions - will generate .hex, .iic, .m51, or whatever appropriate)

# List all of your source files used (both ASM and C files), but with a .obj extension
# also must add the comma separated version, which is identical but w/ commas between instead of spaces
# when changing any header (.h) files, you will have to rebuild all, not a big deal since projects are
# so small
OBJS=$(OBJDIR)\main.obj $(OBJDIR)\debug.obj $(OBJDIR)\drivers.obj $(OBJDIR)\dscr.obj $(OBJDIR)\gpif.obj $(OBJDIR)\lsb2msb.obj $(OBJDIR)\spi.obj $(OBJDIR)\USB_ISRs.obj $(OBJDIR)\USBJmpTb.obj

.SUFFIXES : .iic .hex .obj .c .a51

#Note that this make file does not take into account header files, so if you change a header file,
#files dependent on it will not recompile.  To account for this, the clean command is added so every
#time you run "make all", every file will be recompiled, equivalent to a "make rebuild"
#This shouldn't be a big deal since most 8051 projects will probably build in less than 5 second on todays processors.
#For those not familiar with MAKE files and setting up dependencies, they will now only have to change
#the OBJS and OBJC variables above when adding new source files.  I feel w/ the time it takes to compile
#(at least for my projects) this is a time-saving decision in the long run.
all: clean iic    #remove clean to not force rebuild at every compile, you must then manually add .h dependencies

# Everything below this line should just work
iic: $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).IIC    #use iic build type for generating all (object file, Hex file, and IIC file)
hex: $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).HEX    #use hex build type for building just hex (and object file)
obj: $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET)                #not sure what this is good for

        Hex2bix.exe -F 0xC2 -I -M 16384 $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).hex -O $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).IIC

        OH51.EXE $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET)

        $(LD) $(OBJC) $(LDFLAGS)

        $(AS) $< $(AFLAGS)
        @move $(SRCDIR)\$(@F) $(OBJDIR)/
        @move $(SRCDIR)\$(@B).LST $(OBJDIR)/

        $(CC) $< $(CFLAGS)
        @move $(SRCDIR)\$(@F) $(OBJDIR)/
        @move $(SRCDIR)\$(@B).LST $(OBJDIR)/

        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).IIC
        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).HEX
        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).M51
        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET).ORC
        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\$(TARGET)
        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\*.obj
        del /Q $(OBJDIR)\*.LST

rebuild: clean all

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