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assembler in c, UART

Hi i have got code for an assembler software UART in c51.
normally putchar() is of type unsigned char but with the assembler code how do i do this?

void putc()
#pragma asm
  * Transmit character in A via TXD line
  putc  CLR     TXD             Drop line for start bit
        MOV     R0,#BITTIM      Wait full bit-time
        DJNZ    R0,*            For START bit
        MOV     R1,#8           Send 8 bits
  putc1 RRC     A               Move next bit into carry
        MOV     TXD,C           Write next bit
        MOV     R0,#BITTIM      Wait full bit-time
        DJNZ    R0,*            For DATA bit
        DJNZ    R1,putc1        write 8 bits
        SETB    TXD             Set line high
        RRC     A               Restore ACC contents
        MOV     R0,#BITTIM      Wait full bit-time
        DJNZ    R0,*            For STOP bit
#pragma endasm

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