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Use modem GSM wavecom

I have a module GSM from Wavecom. My project needs to receive data using this modem, but I don't know how I do that. I need to send data from a remote machine to a personal computer using the GSM transmission. I need some help about this.
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  • Have you tried to read the modem's manual?
    It will certainly have interfacing procedures, setup commands and a few examples of a communication exchange.

    People will help you more effectively if you state what exactly DO you know, and what are the specific areas of difficulty you need help on.

  • Have you tried to read the modem's manual?
    It will certainly have interfacing procedures, setup commands and a few examples of a communication exchange.

    People will help you more effectively if you state what exactly DO you know, and what are the specific areas of difficulty you need help on.
