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about serial communication

this is manoj im using 89c52 microcontroller .im unable to transmit the data serilally for 115200 baud rate .
but im able to transmit thro 9600 baud rate configuration.

i tried using X2 mode by configuring
baud rate control register
baud reload register
pcon register
clock control register

can anyone give the example for configuring the registers in x2 mode for baud rate of 115200

  • can anyone give the example for configuring the registers in x2 mode for baud rate of 115200

    NO, not till you state
    1) specificly which derivtive (89C52 is a general name, e.g. AT89C52 is a specific name)
    2) what your clock speed is


  • can anyone give the example for configuring the registers in x2 mode for baud rate of 115200

    NO, not till you state
    1) specificly which derivtive (89C52 is a general name, e.g. AT89C52 is a specific name)
    2) what your clock speed is

