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Can we store program and data in same bank for STR7

We are using STR710FZ2T6,STR910FW32.Each have 256kb of program memory.If our program size is only 64k,then can we use the remaining memory for data.Philips LPC2214 has that facility.If that option is available with ST also please suggest how to use it.

  • On STR710, you can use the remaining flash to store some data. But there is a restriction : you can't execute the program and write in the same bank. Whatch the flash programming manual available on ST website.

    To overcome this limitation :
    - put the subroutine which do the write in the second bank of flah os the STR710
    - copy the routine in ram, and execute it from RAM.

    Another restriction : the bank 0 (256Ko) is designed for only 10 000 erase cycle per sector, while the bank 1(16ko) can be erased 100 000.


  • On STR710, you can use the remaining flash to store some data. But there is a restriction : you can't execute the program and write in the same bank. Whatch the flash programming manual available on ST website.

    To overcome this limitation :
    - put the subroutine which do the write in the second bank of flah os the STR710
    - copy the routine in ram, and execute it from RAM.

    Another restriction : the bank 0 (256Ko) is designed for only 10 000 erase cycle per sector, while the bank 1(16ko) can be erased 100 000.

