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Problem with Debugging


I am writing a simple program for the EZUSB FX2 board, when I compile, I have no errors and no warnings but when I try to debug (my interrupt function is not working) then I get the following :

"error 22 No Code Memory At Address 0045"
"error 22 No Code Memory At Address 0055"

I checked this page but it did not help,

I have run the debugger in some other programs and the configuration was the same and it worked (am I doing a mistake here?), so, anyone can help me? Also, can anyone tell me why my interrupt is not working?

This is the code.

#include "fx2.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"

unsigned char num ;
bit flag ;
BYTE xdata Digit[] = { 0xc0, 0xf9, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0x99, 0x92, 0x82, 0xf8, 0x80, 0x98, 0x88, 0x83, 0xc6, 0xa1, 0x86, 0x8e };

#define BTN_ADDR 0x20
#define LED_ADDR 0x21

void inter( void ) interrupt INT0_VECT
{ num ++ ; if( num > 15 ) num = 0 ; flag = 1 ;

main( )
{ BYTE xdata buttons; flag = 0 ;

EZUSB_InitI2C(); // Initialize EZ-USB I2C controller

num = 0 ; EX0 = 1 ; IT0 = 1 ; EA = 1 ;

EZUSB_ReadI2C(BTN_ADDR,0x01,&buttons); EZUSB_WriteI2C(LED_ADDR, 0x01, &(Digit[1])); //So far, the code is running, I see the number 1 on the seven segment display. EZUSB_WaitForEEPROMWrite(LED_ADDR);

while( 1 ) { if( flag == 1 ) { flag = 0 ; EZUSB_WriteI2C(LED_ADDR, 0x01, &(Digit[num])); EZUSB_WaitForEEPROMWrite(LED_ADDR); EA = 0 ; EZUSB_Delay( 333 ) ; EA = 1 ; } }

Thank you very much.

  • Please read the forum guidelines on posting formatted code.

    You need to configure the appropriate pin as INT0 via a write to PORTACFG. The default function is a port pin.

    The addresses 0x45 and 0x55 are auto-vector locations which are replaced depending on which interrupt is being taken.

    The error message that you are getting is a verify error from the Keil ROM monitor. I would not be concerned about verify errors at these specific locations. I would not expect that you would be able to read what you wrote at these locations when auto-vectoring is enabled.

  • Please read the forum guidelines on posting formatted code.

    You need to configure the appropriate pin as INT0 via a write to PORTACFG. The default function is a port pin.

    The addresses 0x45 and 0x55 are auto-vector locations which are replaced depending on which interrupt is being taken.

    The error message that you are getting is a verify error from the Keil ROM monitor. I would not be concerned about verify errors at these specific locations. I would not expect that you would be able to read what you wrote at these locations when auto-vectoring is enabled.
