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Usage of DDPUSE

i'm using the XC164-µC with internal Ram at 0xC000-0xC7FF (DSRAM) & 0xF600-0xFDFF (DPRAM).

When I use 'standard' Target Layout Memory.
I get a Linker Section NDATA(0xC000-0xC7FF,0xF600-0xFDFF)
and I could use 4k (-Stacksize) for NEAR DATA.

If I would use more than 16kB for NCONST I select 32kB
for ROM in NEAR MEMORY-Section(@Target-Layout).

In L166 LOCATE I get following line:
DPPUSE (0=NDATA(0xC000 - 0xC7FF), 1=NCONST(0xC00000 - 0xC07FFF))

The DPRAM (0xF600-0xFDFF) is now not used for NEAR DATA!

How can I use this RAM also for NEAR DATA like in the case without DPPUSE?

ciao, Karl

Ps:The XC164-16CS claims that it has 8kB internal Data.
But I only found 2kB DSRAM (0xC000-0xC7FF), 2kB DPRAM(0xF600-0xFDFF) and 2kB PSRAM (0xE00000-0xE007FF).
Where are the remaining 2kB located?

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