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how t o add interrupt service routine in the library file

in my project i included the interrupt service routine in the library file.But now even though iam enabling interrupts in main function iam not entering into the interrupt service routine or rather interrupt itself is not occuring ,can any one tell me the reason.

  • "iam not entering into the interrupt service routine or rather interrupt itself is not occuring"

    If the interrupt itself is not occurring, then of course you will not enter the service routine!

    The service routine is only ever entered when the interrupt occurs!

    Are you sure you have correctly enabled the interrupt, and everything else necessary for an interrupt to happen?

  • "iam not entering into the interrupt service routine or rather interrupt itself is not occuring"

    If the interrupt itself is not occurring, then of course you will not enter the service routine!

    The service routine is only ever entered when the interrupt occurs!

    Are you sure you have correctly enabled the interrupt, and everything else necessary for an interrupt to happen?
