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function pointers in Dallas 390 contiguous mode

I was struggling with the function pointer in Dallas 390 contiguous mode. It seems that the linker might not relocate the correct address in function pointer. Check the following code:

void Test(void)
    UINT32 u32Tmp;

    u32Tmp = 0x12345678ul;
    TASK_PRN(("u32Func = %lx\n", u32Tmp));
    u32Tmp = Test;
    TASK_PRN(("u32Func = %lx\n", u32Tmp));

The Linker generate the address for Test: Test function is located at 2D90EH. 02D90EH 02D957H 00004AH BYTE INSEG ECODE ?PR?TEST?TASK The TASK_PRN macro calls my own written printf utility. Here is the output: u32Func = 12345678 u32Func = 83d90e I couldn't figure out why is this happening. Keil C version : C Compiler : C51.Exe V7.20 Assembler: AX51.Exe V2.13 Linker/Locator: LX51.Exe V3.64 Librian: LIBX51.Exe V4.24 C compiler Setting: LARGE OMF2 ROM(D16M) OPTIMIZE (SIZE) BROWSE ORDER MODDP2 Any body encounter this problem ? Thanks in advance! Lucas

  • Linker Bug confirmed
    I've checked the assembly listing and the generated binary code. And I found that the linker does not give correct relocation address in instruction relocation record.
    assembly listing

                 ; FUNCTION Test (BEGIN)
    ; SOURCE LINE # 246
    ; SOURCE LINE # 247
    ; SOURCE LINE # 250
    0000 7F78              MOV     R7,#078H
    0002 7E56              MOV     R6,#056H
    0004 7D34              MOV     R5,#034H
    0006 7C12              MOV     R4,#012H
    ;---- Variable 'u32Tmp' assigned to Register 'R4/R5/R6/R7' ----
    ; SOURCE LINE # 251
    0008 7B00        R     MOV     R3,#MBYTE ?SC_117
    000A 7A00        R     MOV     R2,#HIGH ?SC_117
    000C 7900        R     MOV     R1,#LOW ?SC_117
    000E 90000000    E     MOV     DPTR,#?UART_iPrintk?BYTE
    0012 12000000    E     LCALL   ?C?PSTXDATA
    0016 90000000    E     MOV     DPTR,#?UART_iPrintk?BYTE+03H
    001A 12000000    E     LCALL   ?C?LSTXDATA
    001E 12000000    E     LCALL   UART_iPrintk
                                               ; SOURCE LINE # 252
    0022 7B00        R     MOV     R3,#MBYTE Test
    0024 7A00        R     MOV     R2,#HIGH Test
    0026 7900        R     MOV     R1,#LOW Test
    0028 AF01              MOV     R7,AR1
    002A AE02              MOV     R6,AR2
    002C AD03              MOV     R5,AR3
    002E 7C00              MOV     R4,#00H
    Binary Code
    1D90E: 7F 78       ; MOV R7 , #078H
    1D910: 7E 56       ; MOV R6, #056H
    1D930: 7B 83       ; MOV R3, #083H
    1D932: 7A D9       ; MOV R2, #0D9H
    1D934: 79 0E       ; MOV R1, #00EH

    That's why I get the strange results:
    32Func = 12345678
    u32Func = 83d90e

  • Linker Bug confirmed
    I've checked the assembly listing and the generated binary code. And I found that the linker does not give correct relocation address in instruction relocation record.
    assembly listing

                 ; FUNCTION Test (BEGIN)
    ; SOURCE LINE # 246
    ; SOURCE LINE # 247
    ; SOURCE LINE # 250
    0000 7F78              MOV     R7,#078H
    0002 7E56              MOV     R6,#056H
    0004 7D34              MOV     R5,#034H
    0006 7C12              MOV     R4,#012H
    ;---- Variable 'u32Tmp' assigned to Register 'R4/R5/R6/R7' ----
    ; SOURCE LINE # 251
    0008 7B00        R     MOV     R3,#MBYTE ?SC_117
    000A 7A00        R     MOV     R2,#HIGH ?SC_117
    000C 7900        R     MOV     R1,#LOW ?SC_117
    000E 90000000    E     MOV     DPTR,#?UART_iPrintk?BYTE
    0012 12000000    E     LCALL   ?C?PSTXDATA
    0016 90000000    E     MOV     DPTR,#?UART_iPrintk?BYTE+03H
    001A 12000000    E     LCALL   ?C?LSTXDATA
    001E 12000000    E     LCALL   UART_iPrintk
                                               ; SOURCE LINE # 252
    0022 7B00        R     MOV     R3,#MBYTE Test
    0024 7A00        R     MOV     R2,#HIGH Test
    0026 7900        R     MOV     R1,#LOW Test
    0028 AF01              MOV     R7,AR1
    002A AE02              MOV     R6,AR2
    002C AD03              MOV     R5,AR3
    002E 7C00              MOV     R4,#00H
    Binary Code
    1D90E: 7F 78       ; MOV R7 , #078H
    1D910: 7E 56       ; MOV R6, #056H
    1D930: 7B 83       ; MOV R3, #083H
    1D932: 7A D9       ; MOV R2, #0D9H
    1D934: 79 0E       ; MOV R1, #00EH

    That's why I get the strange results:
    32Func = 12345678
    u32Func = 83d90e
