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Send message by T89C51CC01

I want to send a message using Can Controller T89C51CC01

right now, I am not sure when the message is sent. Right after CANCONCH is set?

Using the debug program in Keil, I could clearly see the message is on the can channel I assigned to. But the value of pin P4.0 and P4.1 don't change at all.
If the can controller is sending messages, P4.0(Tx) P4.1(Rx) should change from time to time right?

How could I achieve this

Everybody, please help me.

  • After CAN initialisation (MailBoxes, Bit timming, channel and identifiers), setting DLC and bit CANCH0 in CANCONCH register should start CAN transmission. Try to enable CAN interruption and set a breakpoint at interruption function to see what happen. Furthermore P4.0 and P4.1 will change.

    Jean-Pierre BAGUET

  • After CAN initialisation (MailBoxes, Bit timming, channel and identifiers), setting DLC and bit CANCH0 in CANCONCH register should start CAN transmission. Try to enable CAN interruption and set a breakpoint at interruption function to see what happen. Furthermore P4.0 and P4.1 will change.

    Jean-Pierre BAGUET
