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How to implement 2 serial port for interfacing with a single UART microcontroller

I am designing an interface board based on a single UART 8051 family microcontroller.The interface needs two serial port;one for system serial bus and another for networking through a serial-ethernet converter.Is it possible to implement a software UART using two normal pin of micro?Is there any way to share the single UART of the micro for the two puposes?
Any solution will be appreciated.

  • Please write Mr. Broeker's answer on the blackboard 1000 times or until you have successfully implemented the "software uart". Engineering experience and common sense dictate that if your system requires two uarts then use two hardware uarts, don't try to hammer a square peg into a round hole.

  • Please write Mr. Broeker's answer on the blackboard 1000 times or until you have successfully implemented the "software uart". Engineering experience and common sense dictate that if your system requires two uarts then use two hardware uarts, don't try to hammer a square peg into a round hole.
