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Using XCROM and genarating a HEX file only for const messages

I have a simple application such as a microcontroller having internal ROM, an ext. RAM placed from 0x8000-0xEFFF, and an EPROM placed from 0x0000 - 0x1FFF.
The EPROM is purposed to hold only display messages defined in the c code such as
char const xdata Message[] ="Hello";
I don't want to have any other code in that EPROM.
I want besides the genarated program code to have a separate HEX file for these messages ready for the EPROM. For example in format HEX-80.

How am I to configure the settings using uVison?

I have read the artıcles and the thread:

Also, all related threads or similar.
However, I haven't understood: am I able to use XCONST type constants in an external memory and genarate a HEX file only containing them without having a code Banking?

So far some of my setings are as follow:
Checked boxes:
OPTIONS-Device-Use Extended Linker(LX51) instead of BL51
OPTIONS-Target-Use On Chip ROM(0x0-0xFFFF)
OPTIONS-Target-Off-chip Xdata Memory 0x8000 size 0x7000
OPTIONS-C51-Misc Controls: XCROM
OPTIONS-LX51 Locate-Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog checked
User Classes: XCONST (X:0x0000-X:0x3FFF)

Thanks in advance for your concern!


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