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Including a .SRC file to assembly

Hello, I am trying to compile an assembly file and am not sure if I am using the REG932.SRC file correctly. I created the 932.SRC from REG932.H and then inserted the line $include (REG932.SRC) in my "mycode.A51 file. The resulting hex file at compile time results in a file size of only 13 bytes. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

  • What made you believe you should have gotten a larger file than the 13-byte program you got, with *nothing* being compiled other than a header file?

    I suggest you revisit your C textbooks to learn what header files are for, and what's supposed to be in there, so you'll see why it's a bad idea to "compile" a header file all on its own.

  • What made you believe you should have gotten a larger file than the 13-byte program you got, with *nothing* being compiled other than a header file?

    I suggest you revisit your C textbooks to learn what header files are for, and what's supposed to be in there, so you'll see why it's a bad idea to "compile" a header file all on its own.
