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Exporting (Reuse) project's settings

Has anyone a hint for me how to reuse (automatic exporting) the project settings (from an existing one) for setting a new one?

  • Just take a copy of the existing project, then change the bits that need changing!
    It obviously helps if you keep each Project in a separate folder (or folder structure)...

    The files that define the uVision Project are the .UV2 (even for uVision-3, I think) and .OPT - rename them if you want to rename the project.

  • Just take a copy of the existing project, then change the bits that need changing!
    It obviously helps if you keep each Project in a separate folder (or folder structure)...

    The files that define the uVision Project are the .UV2 (even for uVision-3, I think) and .OPT - rename them if you want to rename the project.

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