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piping output window

Does anyone know if there's a mechanism to pipe the build output window to a file?

  • I don't think this is exactly what you want but I'll throw it out anyway. I build from an external editor using a command line command that looks something like this.

    c:\keil\uv3\uv3.exe -b -oc:\temp\foo.err c:\temp\foo.uv2

    The text gets written to the output window and to the file c:\temp\foo.err.

  • I don't think this is exactly what you want but I'll throw it out anyway. I build from an external editor using a command line command that looks something like this.

    c:\keil\uv3\uv3.exe -b -oc:\temp\foo.err c:\temp\foo.uv2

    The text gets written to the output window and to the file c:\temp\foo.err.

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