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How could I make a adjustable delay function in "micro-second" level

Hello Every :

I use AT89C52 and 11.059MHz oscillator.
1 instuction takes about 1 micro-second.(10^-6 sec.)

I write a delay function in *.asm.

It works well , but I want it adjustable.
I want to delay according to the parameter I pass.My goal is to modify delay time for some protocol time slot testing.

I found it some how difficult to achieve.
Because the basic instruction , for example : _nop_ , take 1 micro-second.
I can't add more decision. It will takes more time.

How could I implement such kind of delay?
Please give me a hand , thanks a lot~~

  • sample:

    void delay_us(unsigned char counter)
    ACC = 255 - counter;
    #pragma asm

    mov dptr,#DELAYBEGIN;
    jmp @a+dptr

    REPT (255 - 9)

    #pragma endasm

    note: counter must be from 9 to 255.

  • sample:

    void delay_us(unsigned char counter)
    ACC = 255 - counter;
    #pragma asm

    mov dptr,#DELAYBEGIN;
    jmp @a+dptr

    REPT (255 - 9)

    #pragma endasm

    note: counter must be from 9 to 255.
