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how to read/write to compact flash card

hi all,
pls help me with writing & reading & erasing of Compact Flash Cards. all suggetsions, links, codes are welcome.
thanx in advance,


    Usually, a CompactFlash card looks like a PCMCIA ATA disk drive, so you'll need file system code. The "portable file" CF cards, such as where you take the CF out of your digital camera and plug it into your PC card reader, are usually this sort.

    There are also "linear memory" flash cards, which are really just flash memory chips packaged in a cartridge, and require device-specific flash memory driver software. You would code for these much like you would for flash parts soldered onto your board.


    Usually, a CompactFlash card looks like a PCMCIA ATA disk drive, so you'll need file system code. The "portable file" CF cards, such as where you take the CF out of your digital camera and plug it into your PC card reader, are usually this sort.

    There are also "linear memory" flash cards, which are really just flash memory chips packaged in a cartridge, and require device-specific flash memory driver software. You would code for these much like you would for flash parts soldered onto your board.
