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Assembler to C converter

Does anyone know of a converter to take
8051 assembly source code to C source code.

  • I doubt that such a thing exists!

    Think about it:
    * any given 'C' statement could be implemented in a multitude of different ways in assembler;

    * a single 'C' statement could give rise to dozens lines of assembler

    For example, consider some assembler that manipulates a byte at a certain address. This is immediately followed by some more assembler that manipulates the very next address.
    Is this coincidence, or should the two bytes be connected in the 'C' code? maybe they're part of an array? or a structure? or a 16- or 32-bit number?
    Who can say!!!???

  • I doubt that such a thing exists!

    Think about it:
    * any given 'C' statement could be implemented in a multitude of different ways in assembler;

    * a single 'C' statement could give rise to dozens lines of assembler

    For example, consider some assembler that manipulates a byte at a certain address. This is immediately followed by some more assembler that manipulates the very next address.
    Is this coincidence, or should the two bytes be connected in the 'C' code? maybe they're part of an array? or a structure? or a 16- or 32-bit number?
    Who can say!!!???
