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how to interface an 8051 to an RF transmitter ?

I need to transmit a string of message between two Radio frequency transmitter. The message will be stored a microcontroller (e.g. 8051). How to go about writing a program for it and how to interface between the micrcontroller and the transmitters. I am still an amauteur when comes to embeded programming. Any source code or info on this ?

  • I agree that using the serial port is the easiest way to hop data between microcontrollers using RF.

    Here are some websites for companies that make simple RF devices that you can hook up directly to your RXD and TXD lines and hope the data. (you dont need a MAX232 or other variant rs232 line drivers on the transmit end, you may need one on your recieve end depending on your setup. If you want to hop data from the micro to your PC, you need to put the RS232 tranceiver between you reciever and the PC)

    Their products range from devices that tramsmit a a few feet for a few dollars to 20 miles for a few thousand.

    The big questions is how much data, in what format, and how fast. The simple and cheap wireless links rarely go above 9600 Baud without dropping packets.

  • I agree that using the serial port is the easiest way to hop data between microcontrollers using RF.

    Here are some websites for companies that make simple RF devices that you can hook up directly to your RXD and TXD lines and hope the data. (you dont need a MAX232 or other variant rs232 line drivers on the transmit end, you may need one on your recieve end depending on your setup. If you want to hop data from the micro to your PC, you need to put the RS232 tranceiver between you reciever and the PC)

    Their products range from devices that tramsmit a a few feet for a few dollars to 20 miles for a few thousand.

    The big questions is how much data, in what format, and how fast. The simple and cheap wireless links rarely go above 9600 Baud without dropping packets.

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