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how to interface an 8051 to an RF transmitter ?

I need to transmit a string of message between two Radio frequency transmitter. The message will be stored a microcontroller (e.g. 8051). How to go about writing a program for it and how to interface between the micrcontroller and the transmitters. I am still an amauteur when comes to embeded programming. Any source code or info on this ?

  • Alan,

    it's really quite easy to solve your problem. Let me give you a few pointers. Most of the 8051 family microcontrollers are equipped with a serial port. The micro itself has two pins named TxD and RxD (Transmit and Receive). If you connect these two pins to the transmitter and receiver, you're halfway done! Now you have to set up the serial port, and write out whatever you want. This is done by printf() eg. printf("Hello") writes the string "Hello" to the transmitter. This is just a quick overview. If you're interested, let me know what Baud rate you want to use, and I'll send you a sample program.

  • Alan,

    it's really quite easy to solve your problem. Let me give you a few pointers. Most of the 8051 family microcontrollers are equipped with a serial port. The micro itself has two pins named TxD and RxD (Transmit and Receive). If you connect these two pins to the transmitter and receiver, you're halfway done! Now you have to set up the serial port, and write out whatever you want. This is done by printf() eg. printf("Hello") writes the string "Hello" to the transmitter. This is just a quick overview. If you're interested, let me know what Baud rate you want to use, and I'll send you a sample program.
