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89C51 programmer circuit

Dear All,
I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port.
Please some can send it to me

  • Of course, if you do have suggestions for a manual, feel free to contribute. But before you do, please read this thread fully. Make sure that you understand the concept. Have a good time. Then either contribute, or move to other hunting grounds.

    Oh, sorry. I thought this thread was a spoof until I read your excellent explanation.

    There really is some neat stuff going on out there, huh?

  • Of course, if you do have suggestions for a manual, feel free to contribute. But before you do, please read this thread fully. Make sure that you understand the concept. Have a good time. Then either contribute, or move to other hunting grounds.

    Oh, sorry. I thought this thread was a spoof until I read your excellent explanation.

    There really is some neat stuff going on out there, huh?

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