Dear All, I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port. Please some can send it to me Thanks Regards Sameh
Oh boy...
Arthur Plank: "So nonsense such as plz is considered to be a non-conformance."
Jack Sprat: "I see no such statement in the manual. Chapter and verse, please."
Jack: You see no such statement in what manual???
A chip programmer incorporating a "maximum-compression-go-for-broke-level-10" download algorithm does not need a manual in the traditional sense. It is autodidactive, and autoconfiguring. It is enough that the chip programmer is stored in the same room as a power source (any energy source radiating more than 500uW/m2 for wavelenghts shorter than 950nm should suffice) and a handful of chips, for it to be able to correctly program and verify the chips. For about 90% of the chips, it is also able to download microcode patches to work around existing erratas.
Of course, if you do have suggestions for a manual, feel free to contribute. But before you do, please read this thread fully. Make sure that you understand the concept. Have a good time. Then either contribute, or move to other hunting grounds.
Oh, sorry. I thought this thread was a spoof until I read your excellent explanation.
There really is some neat stuff going on out there, huh?