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89C51 programmer circuit

Dear All,
I am new in micro controller programming, I have micro controller 89C51 and I need the circuit components and schmatic of the programmer ciruit which is interfaced to the computer with the serial port.
Please some can send it to me

  • Of course he is a bit demaning. Didn't you get it. He is the new programmmer.

    Arthur P must have added a bit too much AI when he developed his generic programmer. It has given itself a name and started to post on this forum...

    The AI component did originally included a good manners element (a classic English implementation).

    The specification for that component states that output requests must be polite and complete - So nonsense such as plz is considered to be a non-conformance.

  • Of course he is a bit demaning. Didn't you get it. He is the new programmmer.

    Arthur P must have added a bit too much AI when he developed his generic programmer. It has given itself a name and started to post on this forum...

    The AI component did originally included a good manners element (a classic English implementation).

    The specification for that component states that output requests must be polite and complete - So nonsense such as plz is considered to be a non-conformance.
