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8xc652 and i2c

How can I use I2c simulation for the 8xc652 chip under uVision 2?
652 has the same i2c hardware as the 552...

  • I have forwarded your comments to engineering for them to check on.

    If these I2C controllers are identical, you can select the 552 device for the project and debug using that simulation driver.

    If the 552 I2C controller is 100% compatible with the 652, it will be integrated in that driver in the next release.


  • I have forwarded your comments to engineering for them to check on.

    If these I2C controllers are identical, you can select the 552 device for the project and debug using that simulation driver.

    If the 552 I2C controller is 100% compatible with the 652, it will be integrated in that driver in the next release.


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