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Why can't symbols defined with _at_ be initialised!?

Well, we've just had another question about initialising constant data defined with _at

This is a very frequently-asked question, which begs the further question, "why can't symbols defined with _at_ be initialised??" After all, there's obviously a lot of people out there wanting to do it.

I gather that the Raisonance compiler does allow this.

  • But when a lot of people ask for a certain feature, doesn't that imply that it is important?

    This is one of those odd limitations that everyone has in their products. While it is not critically important, it would be a nice addition to have.

  • But when a lot of people ask for a certain feature, doesn't that imply that it is important?

    This is one of those odd limitations that everyone has in their products. While it is not critically important, it would be a nice addition to have.

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