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Boot Loader and Int Vector table reloacation

Im trying to determine the best way to deal with the Interrupt
vector tables in a system where the main code will be downloaded
into ram and a bootloader will be in the ROM.

I need to move the vector table up into RAM without moving the
base address of the bootloader ROM code.


  • You cannot move the IVT in the 8051, it is unchangeable. You could put LCALL's to your RAM-based ISR's in your ROM. Then locate the ISR's at specific addresses in RAM.

    - Mark

    P.S. I'm 99% sure about the IVT being unchangeable.

  • You cannot move the IVT in the 8051, it is unchangeable. You could put LCALL's to your RAM-based ISR's in your ROM. Then locate the ISR's at specific addresses in RAM.

    - Mark

    P.S. I'm 99% sure about the IVT being unchangeable.

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