I am trying to build and use Pytorch with APL on Windows. The build seems successful, but I get errors such as:
Can you help us identify the problem? Can it be a problem with the build or is it an APL bug?
I think you'll be better off with the latest version of the Windows documentation which has more details in it. On that page you can see that to link to the OpenMP (*_mp) version you also need to include the relevant omp.dll library. In the first example you can see that includes the compile line:
cl.exe /MD armpl_dgemm_interleave_batch_c_example.obj C:\arm-performance-libraries_23.10\armpl_23.10\lib\armpl_lp64_mp.dll.lib C:\arm-performance-libraries_23.10\armpl_23.10\lib\FortranRuntime.lib C:\arm-performance-libraries_23.10\armpl_23.10\lib\FortranDecimal.lib C:\arm-performance-libraries_23.10\armpl_23.10\lib\omp.dll.lib /Fearmpl_dgemm_interleave_batch_c_example.exewhere the "C:\arm-performance-libraries_23.10\armpl_23.10\lib\omp.dll.lib" option is the specification of the OpenMP library that will provide your missing symbols.
Hope that helps.