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How can Fortran allocatable character variables be displayed in DDT?

I am debugging a Fortran program with DDT, but the value of an allocatable character variable (character(len = :), allocatable :: s) appears to be empty until it is passed into a subroutine. Is there a way to show the value in DDT?

  • Both modes of DDT are capable of debugging multiple threads, including OpenMP codes. DDT provides all the standard debugging features (stack trace, breakpoints, watches, view variables, threads etc.) for every thread running as part of your program, or for every process - even if these processes are distributed across a cluster using an MPI implementation


  • Both modes of DDT are capable of debugging multiple threads, including OpenMP codes. DDT provides all the standard debugging features (stack trace, breakpoints, watches, view variables, threads etc.) for every thread running as part of your program, or for every process - even if these processes are distributed across a cluster using an MPI implementation


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