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Mali T820 OpenGL and OpenCL driver support for Android and Linux ?

Hello  all,

There are some  development boards and TV Boxes with the Mali T820 GPU .. Anyone knows go is going the 

support from ARM to this GPU ?  

Currently there are some firmware version for Android .. and the people for Linux are waiting for some 

drivers support to fix the kernel images .


So there are any new apart from :


Open Source Mali Midgard GPU Kernel Drivers

     >> open-source-mali-midgard-gpu-kernel-drivers

ARM® Mali™ Midgard GPU User-Space Binary Drivers

     >> arm-mali-midgard-gpu-user-space-drivers

Amlogic -- Buildroot   --   2016-09-30  --  (S912 S905X S905)



Some owner of this boards with Amlogic s912 .. can confirm if is already enabled the OpenGL and OpenCL  support ??


Thanks for your comments !