I see the latest Mali OpenGL ES Emulator 3.0 support the OpenGL ES 3.2 and also include the gl32.h head file.However, when I use some ES 3.2 API like glPatchParameteri, the link failed with unresolved external symbol __imp__glPatchParameteri@8 . glCreateShader(GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER) may also failed with GL_INVALID_ENUM. It seems as if it doesn't support OpenGL ES 3.2 .
I run the mali-checker, it shows my OpenGL version is 4.5.0, but there is no feature or extensions like GL_ES_VERSION_3_2 supported. What is the problem, or how can I make it support the OpenGL ES 3.2. Thank you!
My platform is Windows 10 64bits with Visual Studio 2015
Thanks for the report, we have fixed the problem, you can download the updated version of Mali OpenGL ES Emulator from http://malideveloper.arm.com/resources/tools/opengl-es-emulator/