It seems like openGL draws bufferdata having some limit.
Here you can find a code in method makeDrawable: WorldWindKotlin/worldwind/src/commonMain/kotlin/earth/worldwind/shape/Path.kt at develop · WorldWindEarth/WorldWindKotlin · GitHub.
I noticed that maximum size of vertexArray( that we send to glBufferData) is 262_142 only. All indexes above this value are ignored by openGL for some reason.
Here I am trying to render 10_000 points arranged in a circle, but only about 3000 of them is rendered.
With lower number of points everything is OK.
Your indices are UNSIGNED_SHORT type, so one possibility is that your indices are wrapping (you definitely have used all of the 65536 values).
The data buffer size is 3519680 bytes, with a vertex stride of 16 bytes, which is ~219,980K unique index values.
Hi Pete, thanks a lot for your reply, the type of indices was the exact reason the we were looking for. Thanks.