I am developing my unity based game and am trying to profile it using Arm Mobile Studio for optimization.
But now I ran into trouble. While trying to generate an html report through pa, I got the following error message:
ERROR: Cannot find any frames. Please .....
My profiling environment configuration is as follows:
[Arm Mobile Studio] Version: 2022.3 Host OS: Windows 10 [Unity] Version: Unity 2021.3.2f1 [Unity - Build Setting] Development Build: true [Unity - Player Setting] Graphics API: OpenGLES Minimum API Level: android 10 Target API Level: Automatic Scripting Backend: IL2CPP Target Architectures: ARM64 [Test Device] Model Name: Galaxy S21 5G Current OS: android 12
Is there any solution?
Thank you for your reply.
Of course, I just followed the guidelines.
lwi_me.py was executed and capture was performed through Streamline to obtain a normal Capture.apc. Then, I switched back to the terminal running the lwi_me.py script and pressed any key to exit. However, after terminating lwi_me.py, there was no output, and eventually, when pa was executed, an error was output stating that no frame was found, and the PA report html was not generated.
Can you share a capture of the Android logcat of a test run that fails? You can email us at mobilestudio@arm.com.
Cheers, Pete
There was something I missed in the user guide. PA report generation works fine!
Thank you all.
Thanks for letting us know. Glad you got it working!