Nice tools you're offering, I really love the offline compiler, and it really fits well in our pipeline to deliver shader to arm/mali mobile (unit tests and debug).
Now we'd like to advance on the perf departement, but I'm having hard time to figure out the documentation.
So I'm running
#malics -V -frag myshade.frag
in hope to get useful information on our shader performance, and got a nice array of results, but I could use some documentation on each column. Here's what I get
8 work registers used, 4 uniform registers used, spilling used.
I did search the website but couldn't find anything on any of those info, I can guess some, but really prefer making sure I have the perfect meaning of each.
I'd really like to be able to get as much info and meaning from command line
(this avoiding the huge 'studio' thing usage which implies too much setup for each shader where a simple compilation is enough)
Thanks !
Sorry, the "-1" in "longest path" row should have made me realize... Makes much more sense now.
Now, let's unroll !
And Thanks again for the great support, it really helps.