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Bad astc textures with astc-encoder


I'm using the latest version of astcenc.exe from and have problems with several textures. 

For example:

astcenc.exe -c "Build_Foam.tga" "Build_Foam.astc" 8x8 -fast

astcenc.exe -d "Build_Foam.astc" "Build_Foam.astc.tga"

But if I specify -hdra flag then the astc textures are ok. What I'm doing wrong?

  • Can you explain what the problem actually is?

    At least visually the textures look OK to me. You are using a low bit rate (2bpp) and fast compression (so the search for best compression quality is less exhaustive). If you use "-thorough" instead of "-fast", or a smaller block size (6x6 for 3.56bpp) to increase bitrate, does your issue go away?

    If you look at the "-help" message from the tool you'll see that setting "-hdra" sets a large number of options for the error parameter tuning, in addition to allowing HDR end points. IN particular note that "-dblimit" is set to 999, which is much higher than the default used by a "-fast" search.


  • Can you explain what the problem actually is?

    At least visually the textures look OK to me. You are using a low bit rate (2bpp) and fast compression (so the search for best compression quality is less exhaustive). If you use "-thorough" instead of "-fast", or a smaller block size (6x6 for 3.56bpp) to increase bitrate, does your issue go away?

    If you look at the "-help" message from the tool you'll see that setting "-hdra" sets a large number of options for the error parameter tuning, in addition to allowing HDR end points. IN particular note that "-dblimit" is set to 999, which is much higher than the default used by a "-fast" search.

