I am working on freescale FRDM-K64F board with Keil Microvision 5 IDE.
As I can have a fixed IP in the application apnt_271? Cheers
The post is older but i want to explain the solution who searches and faces this error.
You have to activate SPI driver for which spi module use in your application for your RTE device. So it can be doing manually or with using configuration wizard in KEIL.
When you are writing your code, you are in tex editor mode. Now open your RTE_Device.h file and change your mode from text editor to configuration wizard.
And you will see all communication protocols specific for your microcontroller. Go to SPIx (x is the number of SPI modules, it is depending on your application and design) and activated SPIx driver and assign your pins.
For example in your mcu if i didnt remember wrong MISO is PB4 and MOSI is PA7. then recompile your code. You wont get an error like this. Best Regards, Reşat Coşkun