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Filesystem is corrupted when sharing files from host to the Virtual Platform

I am making tests within the FVP and used the below steps to copy files into the FVP

To "bake" files into the target filesystem the following steps need to be followed:

  1. Mount the filesystem image on a local host directory
  2. Edit the mounted filesystem to include the desired files
  3. Unmount it and boot the target as usual

When i create a new file or copy a folder into the filesystem. I get the following error. This error doesn't occur when the existing files are recompiled or changed.

Is there any solution to overcome this issue?

  • Hi Toshihisa,

    Thank you for your reply. 
    1) Yes the images without the compilation step are the same.
    2) I can mount the files any number of times on the host without any missing files.
    3) I have solved this problem by creating extending the size of the image and copying the files into a new ext3 partition without touching the existing one. I am now able to see the files inside the VP without any issues.

    The original problem remains unsolved, yet we have a solution for test setup.  :) 

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Toshihisa,

    Thank you for your reply. 
    1) Yes the images without the compilation step are the same.
    2) I can mount the files any number of times on the host without any missing files.
    3) I have solved this problem by creating extending the size of the image and copying the files into a new ext3 partition without touching the existing one. I am now able to see the files inside the VP without any issues.

    The original problem remains unsolved, yet we have a solution for test setup.  :) 

    Best Regards,

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