I'm using armclang compiler Product: Professional Component: ARM Compiler 6.16
There are unused functions which are linked in the final application. There functions are coming from a library which is linked to final application, but not called in application.
How to remove these unused functions from final image ?
Hi Ronan,
This seems to be tedious, for example if a file foo.o contains functions which are called and some are unused. Specifying each, of these to keep is cumbersome. Is there a better way to remove the unused functions while keeping the ones which are required like compiler calling functions like __stack_chck_fail().
Also after using --keep=foo_*.o it is showing so many 8 bytes removed, though they are being called from caller functions. .ARM.exidx.text.foo_test ), (8 bytes). What is this .exidx sections ?
Is it removing the functions or some data, it seems only 8 bytes.
Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_init), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_getHandle), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_setType0), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_SetupType0In), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_cfgPort), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_StatusCmd), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_cfgTimerCtrl), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_SetLm), (8 bytes).Removing foo_test.o(.ARM.exidx.text.foo_test_cfgP0Ctrl), (8 bytes).
I am not aware of another solution.