We are trying to switch from AARCh64 to AARCH32 using the following command.
sudo su
cd /root
schroot -c armhf-trusty
But it says command not found. We are using munimal version of AARCH64 from linaro and prebuild board recovery image 4.0.
What is a convenient way to switch to AARCH32?
The filesystem currently referenced for Juno is a generic ARM v8 OpenEmbedded one, supplied and built by Linaro. This is AARCH64 only, rather than a mixed AARCH64/AARCH32 filesystem.
As a basic workaround you can cross compile simple legacy applications statically to run under the supplied filesystem. However for full support, you will need to rebuild your own filesystem combining AARCH32 and AARCH64 components. If you have further questions please use: juno-support@arm.com
You may want to take a look at the multiarch chroot from Wookey: