Dear Arm Gurus,
I've been playing around with a Kano kit with my son, and I can't stand the slowness of Raspberry Pi 3. With no Pi4 on the horizon. Would you happen to know a good alternative board to install Kano OS on?
Thank you very much.
Hi Wabi,
I have the exact same problem. My daughter loves Kano OS, but the R Pi board is too slow. I was going to try to install Kano OS on a better board during the end of year break but didn't get much time.
My first target is going to be Rock 960
I have a board and it runs Linux very well. The Mali GPU drivers were easy to get and install from public downloads.
I would love to work on this with anybody who is interested to figure it out.
This looks very promising. I am more on the front-end software development side, so my hardware/low-level OS skills are severely lacking. What exactly would be required to get it up and running?
I have hit a roadblock here. I have contacted the Kano software team and they did acknowledge my request, they think it's a reasonable idea, but have not provided all of the needed software. There is not enough on github to proceed.
If I do get more info I'll let you know, but it doesn't look like any progress can be made as of now.