Hi all, some time ago I’ve faced an interesting difference in behaviour between different compilers.
Briefly, if there is a function, where in the specification part the ubounds/lbounds functions are used in the specification part, e.g.
function justcopy(arr_in) real, intent(in) :: arr_in(0:,:) real :: justcopy(0:ubound(arr_in,dim=1), 2:5) ....
the actual size of the declared array will be different, as if ubound is calculated before the declaration of the array.
See details here fortran-lang.discourse.group/.../3
My assumption is that such a behaviour is a bug.
Best regards, Andrii
P.S. As of now I've tested this code
program aocc_run_test implicit none real :: arr_in1(0:10, 2:5), arr1(0:10,2:5) integer i, j do i=0,10 do j=2,5 arr_in1(i,j) = 1000*i+j end do end do call evaluate(arr_in1,arr1) contains function justcopy(arr_in) implicit none real, intent(in) :: arr_in(0:,:) real :: justcopy(0:ubound(arr_in,dim=1), 2:5) !This works for "A" GNU,Intel/InteLLVM,lfortran,NAG,IBM. Does not work for "B" AOCC, NVidia, ARM. !real :: justcopy(0:size(arr_in,dim=1)-1, 2:5) !This works for all compilers write(*,*) "arr_in, dim 1 (lb,ub,sz):", lbound(arr_in,dim=1),ubound(arr_in,dim=1),size(arr_in,1) write(*,*) "arr_in, dim 2 (lb,ub,sz):", lbound(arr_in,dim=2),ubound(arr_in,dim=2),size(arr_in,2) write(*,*) "justcp, dim 1 (lb,ub,sz):", lbound(justcopy,dim=1),ubound(justcopy,dim=1),size(justcopy,1) write(*,*) "justcp, dim 2 (lb,ub,sz):", lbound(justcopy,dim=2),ubound(justcopy,dim=2),size(justcopy,2) justcopy=arr_in end function justcopy subroutine evaluate(arr_in1,arr_out1) implicit none real, intent(in) :: arr_in1(:,:) real, intent(out) :: arr_out1(:,:) real, allocatable :: X(:,:) !arr_out1 = justcopy(arr_in1) X = justcopy(arr_in1) write(*,*) "X , dim 1 (lb,ub,sz):", lbound(X,dim=1),ubound(X,dim=1),size(X,1) write(*,*) "X , dim 2 (lb,ub,sz):", lbound(X,dim=2),ubound(X,dim=2),size(X,2) if (size(X,1) /= size(arr_in1,1)) then print "(A,I2,A,I2)","Error: size of X(dim1)=",size(X,1),& " was not equal to size of arr_in1(dim1)=",size(arr_in1,1) error stop 1 end if arr_out1 = X end subroutine evaluate end program aocc_run_test
with 24.10.1 on Rocky9 (RHEL9).
Edit: actually the bug is present in 23.10, but seems to be absent in 24.10.1.
Thank you for this information. I have notified the appropriate teams internally.
Is using the 24.10 release a suitable solution?