cross compilation for windows on arm

Hi All,
I'm trying to cross compile a library from ubuntu on ARM to windows on ARM.

basically, while doing cross compilation we first need toolchains right.
so i have installed the below for ubuntu 
sudo apt install libc6-armel-cross libc6-dev-armel-cross binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi libncurses5-dev build-essential bison flex libssl-dev bc

now i'm trying to get the toolchain for windows but i could find any because in the configuration step which is

./configure --build=build   --host=host

where build = The system on which the package is built.
host=The system where built programs and libraries will run.

i need to specify my host machine config to host prefix right.

could you guys help me how to cross compile for my scenario??

also suggest me the steps if there are any other step for cross compilation.

Thanks in Advance!!

  • Hi 
    i understood that if we configure the project with option --prefix, the binaries will be installed in the prefix directory.
    actually what i want to know is the --host option tells where the built programs will run right?
    so in my case i want the built programs to be run on windows ARM! so i want to know what to provide in the --host option.
    when i give the --host as aarch64-mingw-windows64 or aarch64-w64-mingw32 while configuring the project it display it can't able to recognize this option.

    Sure i'll wait!
    Thanks for the kind response :)  

  • Hi 
    i understood that if we configure the project with option --prefix, the binaries will be installed in the prefix directory.
    actually what i want to know is the --host option tells where the built programs will run right?
    so in my case i want the built programs to be run on windows ARM! so i want to know what to provide in the --host option.
    when i give the --host as aarch64-mingw-windows64 or aarch64-w64-mingw32 while configuring the project it display it can't able to recognize this option.

    Sure i'll wait!
    Thanks for the kind response :)  

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