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N1 Neoverse : GCC 6.4 Linaro cross compiler can be used for compiling linux kernel?

We have platform based on N1 NeoVerse CPU, I see in Buildrood there is a dependency on GCC-9 and Higher compiler version. We are using ARM Linaro toolchain GCC Version 6.4.1 for compiling linux kernel. Is there a hard limitation or requirement that only GCC-9 and higher has to be used for compiling code to run on N1 Neoverse ?

  • Neoverse N1 support was added in GCC9.

    Generally speaking, due to software compatibility, code built with earlier compilers should run on a Neoverse platform, however the code would not be optimized for the processor, and would lack support for many of the Neoverse N1's features.

    Which processor/architecture are you building for with 6.4.1?

  • Neoverse N1 support was added in GCC9.

    Generally speaking, due to software compatibility, code built with earlier compilers should run on a Neoverse platform, however the code would not be optimized for the processor, and would lack support for many of the Neoverse N1's features.

    Which processor/architecture are you building for with 6.4.1?
