I am working on migrating the code from arm compiler 5 to arm compiler 6 and gone through the following procedures, Board : NXP(freescale) MK10FN1M0XXX12
* I have migrated the code of keil4 to keil 5 and it migrated automatically and I installed the legacy support of keil.
* There was some extension errors (regarding compiler version) solved it which included pragma directives
* After generating the startup code from Processor Expert , it generated startup_ARM_CC.c file which has errors (attached in image)
Need suggestions for resolving this error.
Thank you
As an immediate short term solution, you could copy this to its own (assembler) source file:
AREA startup, CODE IMPORT __init_hardware IMPORT __main EXPORT __thumb_startup __thumb_startup ALIGN 4 LDR R0, =__init_hardware BLX R0 LDR R0, =__main BX R0 END
and build with options similar to:
armclang -c --target=arm-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-m3 asm.s -masm=auto
To build directly within C, you would need to port to the armclang inline assembler format (GNU syntax):developer.arm.com/.../Writing-inline-assembly-code
You should find this document generally useful:https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100068
Regards, Ronan