I am using STM32cubeIDE and I put the fromelf command to be executed as a post-build steps command (figure below)
I have an error of fromelf command not found
How can I add or install this command to be executed, I want to extract all variables addresses to be used with another platform
From the log, it looks like you are using gcc to build. Fromelf is a component of the Arm Compiler for Embedded.https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100748/0619/Overview-of-the-fromelf-Image-Converter
Do you have Keil MDK installed? This contains fromelf (and other tools).
Looking at the command being used, -a outputs a report of the data addresses therein. Can you use objdump from the GNU toolchain to generate the same information?
Yes, I use the gcc compiler installed by default with the STM32cubeide.
I will try to install even a trial version of Keil MDK.
I will also try to use objdump to extract information.
Thanks for your reply and I kept you informed if it works.