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DSP CMSIS 5.8 library on cortex-M33


I tried to use the last version of CMSIS to compute a FIR filter using DSP function on a CORTEX-M33. It appears that there is not precompiled library with this version.

Then, I imported this lib in IAR and compiled it with speed optimization. For a 81 taps FIR with 256 elements, the number of cycles required is about 150,000 cycles which is twice higher than expected.

I tried to do the same on CubeIDE (GCC) which precompiled library and I got VFP register arguments errors. By adding some compilation argument  -mfloat-abi=hard and -mfpu the error still appears. I'm not sure I used the correct version of FPU.

Is there an official way to compile the CMSIS DSP library for CORTEX-M33 on GCC or IAR?

Best Regards,