armclang license checking takes 4 seconds
I'm using armclang with floating license on WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)
All of arm tools run 4~5 seconds(armlink, armasm, armclang...)
$ time echo | /opt/toolchains/ARM-DS5/6.9/bin/armclang --versionProduct: ARM Compiler 6.9 UltimateComponent: ARM Compiler 6.9Tool: armclang [5ced1d00]
Target: unspecified-arm-none-unspecified
real 0m4.070suser 0m0.010ssys 0m0.011s
What should I do? I dumped pcap log from my WSL, first 10 packets tranfer/receive between WSL and license sever without delay, and no packet found for 4 seconds. and continue transfering some packets.
The IP address starting from 172 is mine, 12 is license server address.