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GNU Linker strange behavior!

Hi guys,

This is my first comment so, if I'm doing something wrong please point me in the right direction!


I'm currently working on a project using Nordic's Dev Kit PCA10040 which has an nRF52832 SoC (arm cortex-M4). I've been working with GNU toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc) for a while now and I'm just playing around with some ld (linker) features. While reading the manual I saw a cool command from the linker which is the INSERT (AFTER | BEFORE) command described in the manual as follows:

  • This command is typically used in a script specified by ‘-T’ to augment the default SECTIONS with, for example, overlays. It inserts all prior linker script statements after (or before) output_section, and also causes ‘-T’ to not override the default linker script. The exact insertion point is as for orphan sections. See Location Counter. The insertion happens after the linker has mapped input sections to output sections. Prior to the insertion, since ‘-T’ scripts are parsed before the default linker script, statements in the ‘-T’ script occur before the default linker script statements in the internal linker representation of the script. In particular, input section assignments will be made to ‘-T’ output sections before those in the default script

So, basically this command allow us to add some output sections after a specified output section found in the default linker script right? Got it!

Now let's take a look at what the manual says about the -T option:

  • Read link commands from the file commandfile. These commands replace ld's default link script (rather than adding to it), so commandfile must specify everything necessary to describe the target format. You must use this option if you want to use a command which can only appear once in a linker script, such as the SECTIONS or MEMORY command. See section Command Language. If commandfile does not exist, ld looks for it in the directories specified by any preceding `-L' options. Multiple `-T' options accumulate

As you can read, the -T option will replace the default linker script (rather than adding to it) but the INSERT command "...and also causes ‘-T’ to not override the default linker script." Here is where I start being a bit confused! So I ran a small example using the following linker script:

Now is where this becomes really strange: the generated code (.hex) only runs is I insert the dummy file dummy.ld (see the code above).
If I comment on that line I'll get no errors from the linker but, the code won't run!

There is no info about this in the manual or other place. I bet that it is not a bug but I would like to know why it happens. 

Any idea guys? 

Thanks a lot!