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Symbol definition file GNU Linker


is it possible to create and use a symbol definition file with/for the gnu linker?
Eg like this:…oc.dai0242a/CHDFICBG.html

proberberly what i want do do:
1.) create and build new Project "A"
2.) symdef file generated from Project "A"
3.) Add symdef file from Project "A" to Project "B"
4.) Project "B" is configured to another Flash and RAM area than Project "A"
5.) Project "B" contains startupcode, main and only one other function. This function will be placed in an seperate .section.

6.) compile Project "B" and link against functions and vars from Project "A".
7.) geht flash content from Project "B" -> only the seperate .section where the function is in it.

i want to use this to create patches for existing project "A", that mean if i release project "A" this porject will never be changed again, but i need the flash position from the functions and variables to linkt the patch against.

best regards