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cmsis fails to compile with armcc v6.12

I am encountering a error when compiling my CMSIS project. My application is using a Cortex-M4 and I am using MDK v5.28 with the ARM compiler v6.12. The compilation failes with the following  results:

C:/Keil_v5/ARM/CMSIS/Include\core_cm4.h(188): warning: In file included from...
C:/Keil_v5/ARM/CMSIS/Include\core_cmFunc.h(414): warning: 'register' storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++17 [-Wdeprecated-register]
  register uint32_t result;
C:/Keil_v5/ARM/CMSIS/Include\core_cmFunc.h(441): warning: 'register' storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++17 [-Wdeprecated-register]
  register uint32_t result;
C:/Keil_v5/ARM/CMSIS/Include\core_cmFunc.h(602): error: unknown register name 'vfpcc' in asm
  __ASM volatile ("VMSR fpscr, %0" : : "r" (fpscr) : "vfpcc");

This must be an old issue, but I have not been able to find any solutions in the forums.